Freestone State School uses the P-6 planning model. This resource is used to insure full coverage of the Australian Curriculum. Assessments are aligned with the targeted content descriptors and achievement standards for that year level.
Aside from the strong focus on reading and numeracy, we are now targeting writing as a key area of improvement. Specifically teaching correct sentence structures and how to write a variety of sentence types. This will make our writing more interesting.
We utilise data collected from both formative and summative assessments. The latter is detailed in report cards.
Our school strives to meet the needs of individual students in all areas of learning, tailoring support to meet their academic needs, along with social and emotional well-being. Our multi-age setting allows students to access the curriculum at a level where they are engaged and have a higher chance of experiencing success. This allows our students to grow in confidence. Support programs are developed in consultation with the student, parents, support staff and external providers.
Regular meeting are held between teachers and support staff to monitor the effectiveness of programs. On request, the school has access to a number of regional support staff.
Technology is an important feature in our classrooms. Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard, laptops and desktops. Students have access to a bank of ipads. Devices are utilised on a daily basis to support or extend learning.
Music, HPE (Health and Physical Education) and LOTE/ Japanese (Languages Other than English) are delivered through specialist teachers who visit the school on a weekly basis. We also have an excellent art program where students are taught a range of skills in small groups, using different mediums. Each year, our artwork is submitted in various competitions and we consistently win awards.
Once a fortnight, visiting ministers or teachers of religion visit the school to deliver Co-operative Religious Instruction Classes. These classes are not compulsory and alternative arrangements can be made for students who are not participating.
As a small school, we understand the importance of students interacting with a wider range of peers. Each term, we organise activities between the other small schools within our cluster. These events include Sport’s Days, Friendship or Harmony Days, Under 8’s Day, as well as a number of transition programs for students in upper primary to access the local high schools.
Parents are welcome to discuss their child's progress at any time. Report cards are sent home at the end of term 2 and term 4. Parent interviews are offered in term 3.